I do believe there is a God but I don't know what that is per se. I guess I am just going along with my own emotions. There is something, someone I pray to and call upon for help and I believe that I receive the help I need even if it is only strength. In operating from the most honest and sincere place within myself ... I cannot deny nor confirm that there is a 'supreme being and creator of all things' therefore I am resolved to live my life being the best person I can be because that feels good to me - always has, which is one of the things that made me such a good stupid assed brainwashed blinded fool witless. So in my world, there is no devil, there are no demons, the future is unknown and whatever happens when we die is what happens. I don't have any proof or confirmation of supernatural things so I can't let them rule my life. The laws of nature are easy enough to understand and follow why should the laws of God be so excruciatingly difficult to comprehend? And impossible to fulfill completely? Is it because what we are taught to believe about God doesn't actually come from God? That's my theory. People have determined what God wants from us and call it 'worship'. I feel no need to 'worship' the God within me - all my God wants from me is love and appreciation. Isn't that what we all want when it comes down to it?
Sweet freedom ... no fear
sweet tee